4 Key Aspects Of A New Auction House In Diablo III

5 Apr

Among the best things in Diablo 3 is a new dual-money Auction House (AH) where gamers can trade their items with other gamers for in-game gold and real life currency alike. This is unquestionably a novelty in gaming industry and in this text we will investigate the 4 key aspects of this method.

Simple Trading
All items that players find or earn in Diablo III can easily be traded in Auction House. Those can be different weapons, gear, potions, and even gold can be traded for real world money. If a gamer with a wizard character finds a two-hand great sword for instance, he might not have any use of it in past editions of Diablo besides of selling it to game vendor for a cheaper price. Now he can enlist this sword in Auction House and gamers with barbarian characters will recognize its true value and pay a good price.

Smart Search
The Smart Search element is another nice idea integrated into the game. When gamers enter into the Ah they’ll see items auto sorted by usability for their own character types. The great thing is that they would also be able to perform a search for their alternative characters without need to log off.

Dual Money System
As I already mentioned, people can buy and sell goods for in-game gold and for a genuine cash. This element opens a whole new point of view to the game and a whole lot of various possibilities. Currency trading is used for both, Ah trading and for direct player-to-player trading as well. It is optional and also restricted for certain items. Blizzard spokesperson asserted they would not put any items on the market, all buying and selling will be carried out among players exclusively, and they would only make money from monthly subscriptions.

Secure Trades
The good thing is that all purchases and currency exchanges would be handled by Blizzard itself removing all possible hacks and ripoffs usually happening when 3rd party sites are engaged. That is a great progress from Wow game where, in order to acquire gold, players had to deal with some unethical web-sites and merchants. This would often result in disappointment and many gamers got banned from the game
with their game accounts disabled.

On the negative side, many Diablo 3 fans have shown the concern that real cash dealing could label the game as gambling. Therefore in some places where online gambling is restricted the game could even become prohibited.

That being said, new Ah dealing with real money included is definitely adding more fun into Diablo Iii game and may pull in lots of new gamers looking to try this newest craze.

Get more details about Diabo III and read lot of interesting posts at Diablo III strategies blog.

4 Key Aspects Of A New Auction House In Diablo III